Please ensure that you have read the following information about the service and how your information will be used:
We collect confidential patient information so that it can be used to care for you and to improve everyone’s health and care. The information we collect is used to:
• Run the health service response
• Manage epidemics
• Plan for the future
• Research health conditions, diseases and treatments
Evidence established from the confidential patient information of millions of people like you helps staff who do these jobs make the best decisions for everyone. We always collect and store information about you securely and in line with the law. The information captured as part of this procedure will be shared with other organisations, where possible in an anonymous format, so that they can use it to improve everyone’s health and care. This is mandated by the Government for notifiable diseases such as Covid-19 and is in the public interest to do so.
Where it is possible, we will link the information about this procedure to your unique NHS individual patient record, and it may be further used to improve health and care, where anonymised data would not do the same job.
In doing this, it will be looked after properly, kept safe, and only used if allowed by law and if absolutely necessary.